Open Audience blog It’s Not About the Platform Flexibility and Skill are Key to Audience Engagement

It’s Not About the Platform: Flexibility and Skill are Key to Audience Engagement

The choice of platforms and technologies open to organisations when running virtual meetings creates opportunities, but this choice can also bring additional complexities. And these issues are even more pronounced in the public sector.
Open Audience blog Here Be Dragons Navigating New Territory with Video Conferencing

Here Be Dragons: Navigating New Territory with Video Conferencing

The vast number of video conferencing platforms and technology solutions available provide businesses with many options for their virtual meetings. Trying to understand the differences between platforms can make technology more of a distraction than an enabler.
Open Audience blog what's the value creating the right virtual space for the sponsor

What’s the Value? Creating the Right Virtual Space for the Sponsor

The rapid shift to virtual has created a significant problem for large conference organisers that depend on high percentages of their revenue being generated from sponsorship. But sponsors can be reticent to switch to virtual alternatives, which they may perceive as lower in value.
Open Audience blog Skilling Up and Planning Widely in the Brave New World of Virtual Meetings events

Skilling Up and Planning Widely in the Brave New World of Virtual Meetings

The virtual meeting is here to stay, and for the life sciences industry, not-for-profits and professional bodies – the return to in-person meetings will be highly selective even when they can happen. What impact will this have on the events industry?
Open Audience blog The Bronze Silver and Gold of Meeting Platforms virtual event management advice

The Bronze, Silver and Gold of Meeting Platforms

There has been a lot of intellectual snobbery around virtual meetings, with some saying they offer an inferior level of engagement and communication. Covid-19 requiring physical distancing means rethinking these attitudes towards virtual events.
Open Audience take part in our survey on virtual exhibitions in partnership with Time Research

Take Part in Our Survey on Virtual Exhibitions – in Partnership with Time Research

We are running a market research survey in collaboration with Time Research on the future of virtual exhibitions. We want to hear from you! Click the link to the survey inside.
Open Audience where is the value the what how and why of virtual exhibition booths Time Research market research blog

Where is the Value? The What, How and Why of Virtual Exhibition Booths

Our market researchers examine the issues facing exhibitions. While many meetings and conferences have moved online, exhibitions face added challenges because sponsors need to know the value of virtual stands if they are to invest in them.
Open Audience awarded trusted partner status by ethical medtech healthcare events medical society clients

Open Audience Awarded Trusted Partner Status by Ethical MedTech

We are delighted to announce that Open Audience has been awarded Trusted Partner status by Ethical MedTech, demonstrating our commitment to the application of their Code of Practice for educational healthcare events.
Open Audience Events Management Blog How Can I Be Sure in a World That's Constantly Changing David Cassidy

“How Can I Be Sure in a World That’s Constantly Changing?”

What can we do to move forward as events professionals during Covid-19? Here's how we are embracing changes to live meetings, developing new engagement technology, and accepting uncertainty.
Open Audience event technology advice blog - you can't cross the sea by standing and staring at the water

You Can’t Cross the Sea by Standing and Staring at the Water

Entering 2020, we had a carefully crafted 5-year growth strategy. Covid-19 changed our view of the world forever, and taught us an important lesson about event technology and future planning.
Open Audience Engagement Technology Advice Blog My Barn Having Burned Down I Can Now See the Moon

My Barn Having Burned Down, I Can Now See the Moon

We had planned our busiest year of audience engagement events so far when Covid-19 happened. It was like our barn, that we had lovingly designed and built, had burned to the ground. This is how we adapted.
Open Audience Engage blog why virtual meetings might be more equitable engagement technology

Why Virtual Meetings Might Be More Equitable

Consider a typical ad board meeting. Out of 15 or so delegates, there are a couple of 'Rockstar' key opinion leaders that will tend to dominate the discussion. Virtual ad boards can change the dynamic and give quieter delegates more opportunities.
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