Open Audience blog Innovate Don’t Imitate: The Good and Bad in Virtual Meetings

Innovate Don’t Imitate: The Good and Bad in Virtual Meetings

As face-to-face meetings have been forced to go virtual, the life sciences industry has had to assess how it will share R&D developments, medical insights, sales strategies, commercial developments and other information with stakeholders. Here's how to improve these interactions.
Open Audience blog Advice From Engagement Experts: Insights That Give Your Meeting Zing

Advice From Engagement Experts: Insights That Give Your Meeting Zing

'Insight' is a service Open Audience has been offering to clients in addition to our 'Engage' and 'Manage' services. The objective is to ensure that clients are getting the most from their meetings and delegates. When you are organising an event, you don’t want to leave anything to chance.
Open Audience blog Advice From Engagement Experts: The A to Z of Successful Meeting Management

Advice From Engagement Experts: The A to Z of Successful Meeting Management

Putting on a large or even medium-sized congress or meeting is a many-layered process. Using the problem-solving skills of an engagement expert takes the guesswork and complexity out of the whole process of putting on an event.
Open Audience blog Advice From Engagement Experts: The Best Ways to Engage Your Audience

Advice From Engagement Experts: The Best Ways to Engage Your Audience

When a client asks me to help them engage their audience at a meeting or conference, my immediate reaction is “Of course, but what do you mean by that?” The fact is, engagement means different things to different people.
Open Audience blog Is It Me You're Looking For? Understanding the Role of the Audience Engagement Expert

Is It Me You’re Looking For? Understanding the Role of the Audience Engagement Expert

Anyone can organise a meeting, but creating one that engages, motivates, teaches and inspires an audience is far from easy. When organisations seek to bring an audience together, they often turn to engagement experts to help them achieve their objectives.
Open Audience blog Creating Trust It’s Not About Us

Creating Trust: It’s Not About Us, It’s About You

Audience engagement teams must not lose sight of their top objective: to help the client deliver outstanding outcomes. Regardless of how good the technology or the team is, good meetings experts must remember the adage: “It’s not about us, it’s about you.”
Open Audience blog How Professional Is Your Virtual Meeting? Homemade vs. Hollywood virtual event management

How Professional Is Your Virtual Meeting? Homemade vs. Hollywood

The requirement to shift all meetings to virtual has presented a challenge for many in the pharmaceutical industry. What works and what doesn’t, and are you getting the engagement you need?
Open Audience blog Overcoming Fears as Medical Education Goes Virtual audience engagement

Overcoming Fears as Medical Education Goes Virtual

While some meetings and conferences are being postponed until physical sessions can return, the show must go on with medical education. Here are some of the concerns we are witnessing in the medical education arena.
Open Audience blog The Do’s and Don’ts of Medical Education Delivery

The Do’s and Don’ts of Medical Education Delivery

Medical education is a highly prescriptive, fire-walled area. It is about exchanging information, supported by key opinion leaders and the latest data, delivered in a balanced setting. Here we discuss some of the main challenges of medical education delivery.
Open Audience blog The ‘Dream Team’ A United Approach to Medical Education

The ‘Dream Team’: A United Approach to Medical Education

Medical education is very much a team sport that requires good collaboration between the various agencies involved. To get strong, compliant outcomes, happy sponsor companies, and engaged delegates, you need a well-connected, cohesive team: a ‘Dream Team’.
Open Audience blog Lost in Translation The Fine Art of Multilingual Meetings

Lost in Translation: The Fine Art of Multilingual Meetings

Just how much do you know about the delegates at your international meetings? Do you know what languages they speak? What steps have you taken to ensure they clearly understand the discussion?
Open Audience blog Is Virtual the Answer? It Depends on the Question audience engagement tips

Is Virtual the Answer? It Depends on the Question

As the business world becomes increasingly comfortable with virtual meetings, the question many of us in the audience engagement space are being asked is: “Can all meetings be virtual?” But the question you should be considering is, "Do you really want them to be?"
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