Open Audience blog Virtual vs. Physical Meetings: What Works and What Doesn’t

Virtual vs. Physical Meetings: What Works and What Doesn’t

The differences between face-to-face and virtual meetings are obvious – but just how much have meeting organisers adapted the formats and experiences of their virtual sessions for participants? Here, leadership and communications coach Mark Thomas discusses some of the key ingredients for excellent virtual events.
Open Audience blog The Lymphoma Coalition Summit Goes Virtual: Learnings from Around the World

The Lymphoma Coalition Summit Goes Virtual: Learnings from Around the World

In 2020, Lymphoma Coalition held its largest and most accessible global summit ever, thanks to the flexibility of virtual events. Kim Drever, Director of Global Operations, writes about what they learned and how their partnership with Open Audience ensured their success.
Open Audience blog Do We Need Another Zoom? Deciding What’s Right for Your Meeting

Do We Need Another Zoom? Deciding What’s Right for Your Meeting

As the meetings world moved to virtual, Zoom was quick to respond, providing an engaging and easy-to-use platform. But now other platforms have caught up and many of our clients have questions about which platform they should use and to what extent.
Open Audience blog A Warning on Virtual Meetings: Don’t be Seduced by Style Over Substance

A Warning on Virtual Meetings: Don’t be Seduced by Style Over Substance

While creativity and visual impact can seem paramount to your virtual meeting, the most important thing in our experience is clarity. What matters most is ensuring your delegates can attend, navigate the event, and engage with the faculty and each other as easily as possible.
Open Audience blog Five Reasons Why Your Audience Isn’t Engaged

Five Reasons Why Your Audience Isn’t Engaged

Organisations are going to great lengths to encourage as much engagement as possible. But just because that’s what the organisers want, it doesn’t mean it’s what delegates want! Here are five common reasons why your audience may not be engaging with your event.
Open Audience blog Dealing With the New in the Virtual World

Dealing With the New in the Virtual World

Over the last year, as our clients developed new needs and found that they didn't have the technical and logistical skills to manage virtual meetings, they turned to us as partners with extensive virtual experience to guide them through a radically different environment.
Open Audience blog Skilling Up: What 2020 Meant for Open Audience

Skilling Up: What This Year Meant for Open Audience

For months now we have heard talk about a return to the ‘new normal' and expectations – or rather hopes – that physical meetings will soon be back on the agenda, perhaps through a ‘hybrid’ mix of in-person and virtual events.
Open Audience blog Hopes and Fears from 2020: An Open Audience Perspective

Open Audience Perspective

What a year it has been! The world of travel, international and national conferences, medical education sessions and even team meetings was upended for everyone. We’re proud of all we have achieved at Open Audience, and we wanted to share what we have learned.
Open Audience blog The Year of Living Virtually: Be Platform Prepared for 2021

The Year of Living Virtually: Be Platform Prepared

When the Covid-19 pandemic pushed all meetings into the virtual world, many organisations assumed the situation would be temporary. However, as case numbers continue to rise and countries go back into lockdowns, it’s clear that in-person meetings won’t be happening anytime soon.
Open Audience taking the voyage of discovery virtual events eventsbase blog

Taking the Voyage of Discovery

We spoke to EventsBase about how we have transitioned to virtual events this year, and how we have taken a voyage of discovery through new technology solutions, creative processes, and remote working environments.
Open Audience blog Back to the Future: What to Expect for Virtual

Back to the Future: What to Expect for Virtual, Hybrid and In-Person Meetings

Covid-19 has thrown events of all kinds into uncertainty. What does the future of events look like? With promising vaccines on the horizon, it's likely physical events will return at some point, alongside virtual and hybrid events. How can these events be made as engaging as possible?
Open Audience guest blog Vision Meets Strategy: 5 Steps to Making your Virtual Meeting Engaging

Vision Meets Strategy: 5 Steps to Making Your Virtual Meeting Engaging

Virtual engagements – or at the very least hybrid meetings – are here to stay. But strict duplications of live events are not necessarily effective – so what do you need to do to create an effective virtual engagement strategy?
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