Entries by donna@openaudience

Tips and Tricks for Running a Successful Virtual Event

Here are a few simple tips and tricks to consider when running a virtual meeting which include understanding why it is crucial to rehearse beforehand, knowing the right set-up when using a platform that you are unfamiliar with, and keeping up to date with updates.

Virtual Stress: Why Online Meetings are More Complex Than You Realise

Running a virtual meeting is not as easy as it might seem. Meeting organisers need to be able to coordinate the speakers, manage the flow of the meeting, and deal with technology that may be unfamiliar to them. They often feel pressured by colleagues to deliver high-quality sessions despite lacking the necessary experience.

Five Takeaways for Enhancing the Virtual Learning Experience

There are five takeaways to consider when planning a virtual learning event: Less is more, encourage the exchange of ideas between students, have a good balance of speakers and educators, find out what the audience really need to know, and make sessions available on-demand.

The Power of Virtual to Bring Knowledge to Diverse Audiences

Virtual learning may be more effective than in-person learning when it comes to attracting non-native English speakers. The tools that are available to us mean we can provide the audience with language options that increase both comprehension and accessibility.

How Cultural Expectations Affect Interactions in Meetings

Are you from a high-context or a low-context culture? Hwajeong Lee explains how different cultures communicate and why understanding these differences in communication is crucial when conducting global meetings and interactions.

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